

Page history last edited by Lucas Gillispie 14 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to iPod Games For Learning!


     This wiki is designed as a collaborative space for educators who are using the iPod Touch in the classroom.  It specifically focuses on the use of game-based learning through the iPod Touch.  Here, you'll find lessons and lesson ideas, information on specific iPod Touch games, and logistical considerations for classroom implementation.  We'll share our experiences and ideas and hope you will do the same.  Our current plans include the use of SIMS 3 and Civilization Revolution with middle grades students.


We'll be documenting our experiences, ideas, and student work here as the project develops. 


This is a wiki!  It's an open, collaborative platform and we are looking for collaborators!  If you have ideas you want to share, please contribute.



News and Announcements:


(3/16/10) - Gillispie - Great Skype chat via Kevin Honeycutt with a task force from Minnesota exploring games in education.  Enjoy sharing our projects and more over our students' awesomeness!

(2/15/10) - Major updates to the Educational App Review page including descriptions of the apps we're using, price, and direct links to the apps in the App Store.  Also added a Spore: Origins page where we'll be sharing lessons used with that game.


(2/12/10) - The students are playing Civilization Revolution this week.  Students are taking on the role of a specific leader in history.  They are then supposed to, to the best of their abilities, behave, in-game, as that leader would.  It has been challenging for them since the computer doesn't necessarily play to the same rules.  Part of their assignment is to journal, in-character, from that leader's perspective.  Visit the Civilization Revolution page for sample student work.  We'll be posting a full lesson soon. 


(10/29/09) - We've added some of the first examples of student work on the SIMS 3 Project today.  Keep in mind that they are in rough draft, un-edited form.  Students will be peer-editing and receiving teacher feedback through the class wiki where all of their work is stored.  You can see the student work in SIMS 3 - Student Work Samples.

(10/25/09) - Wilmington Star News article on the project:  Pender Teacher's Lesson Plan A Fusion of Technology and Literature.  The article was also mentioned in the ASCD SmartBrief!

(10/23/09) - New Lesson - "Comic SIMmetry" -posted in SIMS 3 section.  This lesson has students using the Strip Designer app with screenshots from their SIMS 3 experiences to tell stories.  Sample student work coming soon!

(10/9/09) - New Lesson - "It's SIMply about perspective" posted in SIMS 3 section.  The focus is on student writing from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-person point-of-view based on their SIMS game play.

(10/7/09) - Hardware section added that discusses what hardware we're using with pics.  Also added a Web-Based Resources section.


(10/5/09) - Videos from the first SIMS 3 Lesson are up!  Go to the SIMS 3 page to see them.


(9/30/09) - The first SIMS 3 lesson is now available, designed by Craig Lawson.  You can view it here.


(9/30/09) - Students at Cape Fear Middle School will have their first iPod Touch gaming experience today.  Students will be creating their first SIM in the SIMS 3.  These characters will then serve as the foundation for exploring the elements of fiction.  Students will then be sharing their work through a separate classroom wiki.





Image Credit:  

SIMS 3 Screenshot - EA Games.

Comments (4)

Matt Nolin said

at 12:33 pm on Sep 30, 2009

Oh man it looks like they're going to play Civ Revolution? One of my favorite games definitely! You can't do multiplayer games with Civ Rev on the iPod Touch yet right? That'd be great!

Lucas Gillispie said

at 12:44 pm on Sep 30, 2009

Yeah, that's one of our current plans and sadly, there's no multiplayer support, however, it will serve as a good basis for introducing some basic social studies concepts (especially at the middle grades level).

Mary Lynn Warren said

at 10:17 am on Mar 22, 2010

Looking forward to learning more. We're just beginning our iPod journey. Getting ready to do our first syncing using the cart this week. Thanks for the wonderful resources on this wiki!

Roxann Nys said

at 1:13 pm on Sep 23, 2010

Thanks for this outstanding resource!

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